Friday, August 28, 2015

Kashmiri Pandits share personal experiences of brutality in Kashmir befo...


Company Quartermaster Havildar Abdul Hamid, PVCLieutenant Colonel A B Tarapore, PVCMajor (Now Major General, Retd) Mathur, Sushil Kumar, MVCMajor Randhawa, Baljit Singh, MVC (Posthumous)
Brigadier (Now Lieutenant General, Retd) Hira, Ram Dharamdass, PVSM, MVCBrigadier (Now Lt Gen, Retd) Bakshi, Zorawar Chand,PVSM,MVC,VrC,VSMMajor General (Now deceased) Kalaan, Sarup Singh, MVC, MCCaptain Chander, Narain Singh, MVC (Posthumous)
Lieutenant Colonel (Now Colonel,deceased) Sangha,Gurbans Singh,MVCMajor (Now Lieutenant General, Retd) Dyal, Ranjit Singh, PVSM, MVCWing Commander William Mac Donald Goodman (3571), MVCSquadron Leader Jag Mohan Nath (3946) MVC
Major (Now deceased) Roy, Bhaskar, MVCWing Commander Prem Pal Singh (3871), MVCMajor General Rajindar Singh (Sparrow) MVC and BarMajor General (Now Retd) Gurbaksh Singh, MVC
Major General (Now Lieutenant General, Retd) Sibal, Har Krishen, MVCLieutenant Colonel (Now Brigadier, Retd) Hayde, Desmond, MVCLieutenant Colonel Khanna, Narindera Nath, MVC (Posthumous)Squadron Leader Padmanabha Gautam (4482) VM, MVC
Subedar Ajit Singh, MVC (Posthumous)Lieutenant Colonel (Now Brigadier, Retd) Raghubir Singh, MVCBrigadier (Now Retd) Theogaraj, Thomas Krishnan, MVCLieutenant Colonel Mehta, Harbans Lal, MVC (Posthumous)
Lance Havildar Naubat Ram (Now Naib Subedar and Hony Subedar, Retd)Major General (Now deceased) Mohindar Singh, MVC, MCLieutenant Colonel (Now Brigadier, deceased) Sampuran Singh, MVC, VrCLieutenant Colonel (Now Major General, Retd) Salim Caleb, MVC
Lt Col(Now Maj Gen,Retd) Bakshi,Madan Mohan Singh,MVC,AVSMLt Col(Now Gen, Deceased)Vaidya,Arun Shridhar,PVSM,MVC and Bar,AVSMMajor Tyagi, Asa Ram, MVC (Posthumous)Captain Thapa, Kapil Singh,MVC (Posthumous)
Lt Col(Now Brig,Retd) Nandagopal, Pagadala Kuppuswamy,MVCSubedar Thapa, Tika Bahadur, MVC (Posthumous)Major Bhupinder Singh, MVC (Posthumous)Lieutenant Colonel (Now Brigadier, Retd) Sant Singh, MVC
Captain Mubayi, Gautam, MVC (Posthumous)Naik Darshan Singh, MVC (Posthumous)Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya (4810) MVC

Thursday, August 27, 2015

करता हूं अनुरोध आज मै दिल्ली की सरकार से,
प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो आरक्षण की तलवार से।
वर्ना रेल पटरियो पर जो फैला आज तमाशा है,
गुर्जर आन्दोलन से फैली चारो ओर निराशा है।
अगला कदम जाट बैठेंगे महाविकट हडताल पर,
महाराष्ट मे प्रबल मराठा चढ जाएंगे भाल पर।
राजपूत भी मचल उठेंगे भुजबल के हथियार से,
प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो आरक्षण की तलवार से।
निर्धन ब्राम्हण वंश एक दिन परशुराम बन जाएगा,
अपने ही घर के दीपक से अपना घर जल जाएगा।
भडक उठा गृह युध्द अगर भूकम्प भयानक आएगा,
आरक्षण वादी नेताओं का सर्वस्व मिटाऐगा।
अभी सॅभल जाओ मित्रो इस स्वार्थ भरे व्यापार से,
प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो आरक्षण की तलवार से।
जातिवाद की नही समस्या मात्र गरीबी वाद है,
जो सवर्ण है पर गरीब है उनका क्या अपराध है।
कुचले दबे लोग जिनके घर मे न चूल्हा जलता है,
भूंखा बच्चा जिस कुटिया मे लोरी खाकर पलता है।
समय आ गया है उनका उत्थान कीजिये प्यार से,
प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो आरक्षण की तलवार से।
जाति गरीबी की कोई भी नही मित्रवर होती है,
वह अधिकारी है जिसके घर भूखी मुनिया सोती है।
भूखे माता पिता दवाई बिना तडपते रहते है,
जातिवाद के कारण कितने लोग वेदना सहते है।
उन्हे न वंचित करो मित्र संरक्षण के अधिकार से,
प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो आरक्षण की तलवार स

आरक्षण की आग पर टूटते हिन्दू समाज को चेताती एक कविता 👇👇
आओ मिलकर आग लगाएं,नित नित नूतन स्वांग करें,
पौरुष की नीलामी कर दें,आरक्षण की मांग करें,
पहले से हम बंटे हुए हैं,और अधिक बंट जाएँ हम,
100 करोड़ हिन्दू है,मिलकर इक दूजे को खाएं हम,
देश मरे भूखा चाहे पर अपना पेट भराओ जी,
शर्माओ मत,भारत माँ के बाल नोचने आओ जी,
तेरा हिस्सा मेरा हिस्सा,किस्सा बहुत पुराना है,
हिस्से की रस्साकसियों में भूल नही ये जाना है,
याद करो ज़मीन के हिस्सों पर जब हम टकराते थे,
गज़नी कासिम बाबर मौका पाते ही घुस आते थे
अब हम लड़ने आये हैं आरक्षण वाली रोटी पर,
जैसे कुत्ते झगड़ रहे हों कटी गाय की बोटी पर,
हमने कलम किताब लगन को दूर बहुत ही फेंका है,
नाकारों को खीर खिलाना संविधान का ठेका है,
मैं भी पिछड़ा,मैं भी पिछड़ा,कह कर बनो भिखारी जी,
ठाकुर पंडित बनिया सब के सब कर लो तैयारी जी,
जब पटेल के कुनबों की थाली खाली हो सकती है,
कई राजपूतों के घर भी कंगाली हो सकती है,
बनिए का बेटा रिक्शे की मज़दूरी कर सकता है,
और किसी वामन का बेटा भूखा भी मर सकता है,
आओ इन्ही बहानों को लेकर,सड़कों पर टूट पड़ो,
अपनी अपनी बिरादरी का झंडा लेकर छूट पड़ो,
शर्म करो,हिन्दू बनते हो,नस्लें तुम पर थूंकेंगी,
बंटे हुए हो जाति पंथ में,ये ज्वालायें फूकेंगी,
मैं पटेल हूँ मैं गुर्जर हूँ,लड़ते रहिये शानों से,
फिर से तुम जूते खाओगे गजनी की संतानो से,
ऐसे ही हिन्दू समाज के कतरे कतरे कर डालो,
संविधान को छलनी कर के,गोबर इसमें भर डालो,
राम राम करते इक दिन तुम अस्सलाम हो जाओगे,
बंटने पर ही अड़े रहे तो फिर गुलाम हो जाओगे,
जय शंकर......

writer :Ajay RAj Sharma

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

THE STORY YOU HAVEN’T HEARD: ‘In 1971, Muslims murdered 2.4 million Hindus and raped 200,000 Hindu women’
Will the Muslim violence against the Indian people, and the contamination of barbaric Islamic ideals blended into their culture, ever end? The Israeli’s and Hindus are the largest victims of perpetural Islamic invasions and violence lasting for more than 1,000 years. Muhammad Ali Jinna, a member of the Indian National Congress and later of the All-India Muslim League (a Khilafat movement that also germinated the Palestine conflict), demanded a two-state partition, creating the Lahore Resolution, which formed the separate creation of Pakistan.
This partition of people created a domin effect of other tensions and problems spreading from Khalistan to Bangladesh, to Kashmir, to Balochistan and to continued terrorism and tension existing even today. The British tried to discourage Muhammad Ali Jinna against rallying for the partition and warned against it many times, which ended in riots, mass exodus, clashes and deaths of millions. The article covers a poorly exposed incident of Muslim massacres of Hindus that we never hear about. It’s a pity the article forms a common Hindu anti-Western mindset, and fails to acknowledge any attention to the simple fact that Britain saved India from Muslim rule. India would bend to Mecca today had it not been for the clever rulers of South India who formed an alliance with Britain for exclusive trade agreements which developed into British rule and the expulsion of Muslim rule and Sharia law. You never hear Indian people admit to this fact. Instead they are focused purely on anti-Western rhetorics. It’s not Britain who destroyed India. It’s Islam that looted, massacred and destroyed Indian culture from within. Muslim terrorism, attacks, tensions continue in India to this day.
.Understanding Islamic violence; how to defend our freedoms
Interview by People of Shambhala.
In the wake of renewed violence against Hindus in Pakistan, and with more than 100 Hindu families seeking asylum in India, Director of the Canadian Hindu Advocacy group spoke to People of Shambhala. Mr. Banerjee talks about the background to the conflict, and why Pakistan was created in 1947. Why the West should include Hinduism, not just the “Judeo-Christian” tradition. And he also discusses Islam and violence against Hindus and the West, and how we can defend our values and freedoms.
PoS: At the moment about 100 Hindu families are seeking asylum in India, from Pakistan, and are claiming discrimination and violence. There were four doctors murdered on the first day of Eid, and, I think, a Sikh was stabbed as well. Can you tell us a little about that situation?
RB: Sure. The situation is very natural. Most people don’t understand what Pakistan is. Pakistan is a country that was formed for the Muslims. India is a multi-ethnic country for everybody. So Pakistan was formed with the very idea that the only people that should be in Pakistan are Muslims. There is nothing strange about what’s going on in Pakistan today. It’s being going on for a long time.
At independence Pakistan’s population was about ten percent Hindu and Sikh. Now it’s less than one percent. So the question is where did that nine percent go? Well, they were either ethnically cleansed, driven away, or slaughtered in large numbers in the 1971 war between India and Pakistan. In East Pakistan an estimated 2.4 million Hindus were slaughtered in just one year, and hundreds of thousands of Hindu women were raped.
There is nothing surprising about any of this because Islam was introduced into the Asian subcontinent with the objective of occupying and exterminating the Hindus. According to the historian William Durant, and other historians, an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed, were slaughtered, and thousands and thousands of Hindu temples were smashed, and mosques were built on top of them. The Muslims of India tried very hard over the period of their 700 years [of occupation] to wipe out the Hindus. But there was resistance from some of the Hindu kingdoms. They never had full control over India so they were unable to achieve that goal. But that’s the eternal goal. According to Islam, Hinduism is the lowest form of life on the planet. Because Hindus, according to them, they’re polytheistic, they believe in multiple gods. They believe we worship idols, and idol worship is a sin in Islam.
a5e03-bangladeshgenocide1-701742PoS: One thing that has struck me is just the extent of the attacks on Hindus, Buddhists, Yezidis, Zoroastrians, Kalash. Yet we don’t hear anything about this. You mentioned the war of 71; 2.4 million dead, 200,000 Hindu women raped, but we don’t hear anything about that in the West.
RB: No you don’t, because there’s a systematic effort by Muslims and petrodollars to cover it up. The reason you don’t hear about it is because they make tremendous effort to silence it.
PoS: In all fairness, some Middle Eastern newspapers that probably cater mostly to Muslims have covered some of it, but you don’t seem to find it in the West, which is even more incredible. Why do you think Western journalists won’t cover something like that? The West always portrays itself as caring about minorities and being the people that always stand up to stop genocide, and that are always campaigning against violence against minorities. But nothing.
RB: This may offend you a little bit.
PoS: It won’t [laughs].
RB: It probably will [laughs]. But, it’s because the West have been hypocrites.
PoS: Yeah.
RB: If you look at Britain, for example, when they went to India they did not stop genocide or massacres, they expedited them. They actually supported the Muslims against the Hindus, helped them to perpetrate massacres. In terms of the establishment of the state of Pakistan, if you read people like William Dalrymple, a British historian, it becomes quite clear that the British encouraged the creation of Pakistan in order to divide the [anti-colonial] independence movement. [*Dalrymple’s theories are inaccurate and merely theories. The Britain discouraged against the partition of India, but the decision was created by Indian-Muslim voters themselves spearheaded by Muhammad Ali Jinna]
PoS: Do you think there is still a kind of colonial residue in the atmosphere. Do you think there is some kind of patronizing attitude in the media? Is that why we don’t see atrocities reported?
I’ve heard this question before. That it’s a form of racism that they don’t condemn Muslims for their human rights violations is because they are non-Western and [therefore] they are expected to be barbaric. There might be some of that, but these days it’s rather more a culture of fear. I mean, if you publish a cartoon of Mohammed, even if you’re in the West, you get threatened, and you possibly get killed, and you have riots going on. So now it’s more of a culture of fear.
               Are Brahmins the Dalits of today?
अब ब्राह्मणो को अपने अधिकार के लिए खड़ा होना पड़ेगा, आज एकजुटता व संख्या बल में ही ताकत है.गरीब,किसान ब्राह्मणो को भी आरक्षण मिलना चाहिए. तर्क, वितर्क का समय गया ,अब एकजुटता दिखानी ही होगी वर्ना हमारा हाल भी कश्मीरी ब्राह्मणो जैसे हो जाएगा.
At a time when the Congress government wanted to raise the quota for Other Backward Classes to 49.5 per cent in private and public sectors, nobody talks about the plight of the upper castes. The public image of the Brahmins, for instance, is that of an affluent, pampered class. But is it so today?
Doctors in arms
There are 50 Sulabh Shauchalayas (public toilets) in Delhi; all of them are cleaned and looked after by Brahmins (this very welcome public institution was started by a Brahmin). A far cry from the elitist image that Brahmins have!
There are five to six Brahmins manning each Shauchalaya. They came to Delhi eight to ten years back looking for a source of income, as they were a minority in most of their villages, where Dalits are in majority (60 per cent to 65 per cent). In most villages in UP and Bihar, Dalits have a union which helps them secure jobs in villages.
At Ground Zero of the quota protests
Did you know that you also stumble upon a number of Brahmins working as coolies at Delhi's railway stations? One of them, Kripa Shankar Sharma, says while his daughter is doing her Bachelors in Science he is not sure if she will secure a job.
"Dalits often have five to six kids, but they are confident of placing them easily and well," he says. As a result, the Dalit population is increasing in villages. He adds: "Dalits are provided with housing, even their pigs have spaces; whereas there is no provision for gaushalas (cowsheds) for the cows of the Brahmins."
The middle class deserves what it is getting
You also find Brahmin rickshaw pullers in Delhi. 50 per cent of Patel Nagar's rickshaw pullers are Brahmins who like their brethren have moved to the city looking for jobs for lack of employment opportunities and poor education in their villages.
Even after toiling the whole day, Vijay Pratap and Sidharth Tiwari, two Brahmin rickshaw pullers, say they are hardly able to make ends meet. These men make about Rs 100 to Rs 150 on an average every day from which they pay a daily rent of Rs 25 for their rickshaws and Rs 500 to Rs 600 towards the rent of their rooms which is shared by 3 to 4 people or their families.
Did you also know that most rickshaw pullers in Banaras are Brahmins?
Do our institutes connect with the real India?
This reverse discrimination is also found in bureaucracy and politics. Most of the intellectual Brahmin Tamil class has emigrated outside Tamil Nadu. Only 5 seats out of 600 in the combined UP and Bihar assembly are held by Brahmins -- the rest are in the hands of the Yadavs.
400,000 Brahmins of the Kashmir valley, the once respected Kashmiri Pandits, now live as refugees in their own country, sometimes in refugee camps in Jammu and Delhi in appalling conditions. But who gives a damn about them? Their vote bank is negligible.
And this is not limited to the North alone. 75 per cent of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. A study of the Brahmin community in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications) reveals that today all purohits live below the poverty line.
Eighty per cent of those surveyed stated that their poverty and traditional style of dress and hair (tuft) had made them the butt of ridicule. Financial constraints coupled with the existing system of reservations for the 'backward classes' prevented them from providing secular education to their children.
Who are the real Dalits of India?
In fact, according to this study there has been an overall decline in the number of Brahmin students. With the average income of Brahmins being less than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level. In the 5 to 18 year age group, 44 per cent Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at the pre-matriculation level.
The study also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the poverty line -- below a per capita income of Rs 650 a month. Since 45 per cent of the total population of India is officially stated to be below the poverty line it follows that the percentage of destitute Brahmins is 10 per cent higher than the all-India figure.
There is no reason to believe that the condition of Brahmins in other parts of the country is different. In this connection it would be revealing to quote the per capita income of various communities as stated by the Karnataka finance minister in the state assembly: Christians Rs 1,562, Vokkaligas Rs 914, Muslims Rs 794, Scheduled castes Rs 680, Scheduled Tribes Rs 577 and Brahmins Rs 537.
Appalling poverty compels many Brahmins to migrate to towns leading to spatial dispersal and consequent decline in their local influence and institutions. Brahmins initially turned to government jobs and modern occupations such as law and medicine. But preferential policies for the non-Brahmins have forced Brahmins to retreat in these spheres as well.
Caste shouldn't overwrite merit
According to the Andhra Pradesh study, the largest percentage of Brahmins today are employed as domestic servants. The unemployment rate among them is as high as 75 per cent. Seventy percent of Brahmins are still relying on their hereditary vocation. There are hundreds of families that are surviving on just Rs 500 per month as priests in various temples (Department of Endowments statistics).
Priests are under tremendous difficulty today, sometimes even forced to beg for alms for survival. There are innumerable instances in which Brahmin priests who spent a lifetime studying Vedas are being ridiculed and disrespected.
At Tamil Nadu's Ranganathaswamy Temple, a priest's monthly salary is Rs 300 (Census Department studies) and a daily allowance of one measure of rice. The government staff at the same temple receive Rs 2,500 plus per month. But these facts have not modified the priests' reputation as 'haves' and as 'exploiters.' The destitution of Hindu priests has moved none, not even the parties known for Hindu sympathy.
The tragedy of modern India is that the combined votes of Dalits/OBC and Muslims are enough for any government to be elected. The Congress quickly cashed in on it after Independence, but probably no other government than Sonia Gandhi's has gone so far in shamelessly dividing Indian society for garnering votes.
From the Indian Express: 'These measures will not achieve social justice'
The Indian government gives Rs 1,000 crores (Rs 10 billion) for salaries of imams in mosques and Rs 200 crores (Rs 2 billion) as Haj subsidies. But no such help is available to Brahmins and upper castes. As a result, not only the Brahmins, but also some of the other upper castes in the lower middle class are suffering in silence today, seeing the minorities slowly taking control of their majority.
How reservations fracture Hindu society
Anti-Brahminism originated in, and still prospers in anti-Hindu circles. It is particularly welcome among Marxists, missionaries, Muslims, separatists and Christian-backed Dalit movements of different hues. When they attack Brahmins, their target is unmistakably Hinduism.
So the question has to be asked: are the Brahmins (and other upper castes) of yesterday becoming the Dalits of today?